Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Eun Jiwon will get married soon

Eun Jiwon ask il pa i members that have an expereanced like Hodong hyung, seugun n Kim C becausehe didn't propose his gf yet.

Jiwon: hodong hyung, did u proposed your wife?
Hodong: of course!
Jiwon: 0h... hodong hyung proposed his wife. so, i think i should proposed her 2

Eun Jiwon will marry his GF who is his member from high school n 2 years younger than him. they meet again at Hawaii n thats the 1st time they dating. Jiwon said that maybe they will get married there( at Hawaii). the other member ask him "how about us? we want a free ticket!!!" huahahaaaa whatever la korg, nk free ticket ke... ape ke.. yg pntg SEUNGGI X BLEH KAWEN LG TAW!!! wa bleh jd gilerrr klu seunggi kawen. huaaaaaaaaaa. x igt ke seunggi da dpt undian plg tggi dr fans yg dorg x nk seunggi kawen lg thn nie?? hmmm??

ble pkr2 blk btol ke Jiwon nk kawen? nomu chinca?? adoyaiii da bsr rupenye bdk nie, tp prangai mcm bdk2 lg. jongmin n mc mong ble nk kawen(except seunggi). klu tgk dr member2 len yg blom kawen, mong ngan jongmin lg sesuai kawen dlu tp nk wat camne da jiwon nk kawen kn. hmmmmm. tp lps nie Jiwon kne msk OB team la??? hahaaaa geng la dgn hodong, seugun ngan kim c 2 sb YB team hanye tok bdk2 yg blom kawen je. lps nie YB team(MC Mong, jongmin, seunggi) kne lntk ketua bru la?? Mong kot....

pape pown klu agak2 x de idea nk propose GF die nnti, ape ssh nyanyi je lagu seunggi yg hot 2, naram koro ne jullee...(will u marry me??) hahahaaaa good idea x? bgs btol lgu seunggi 2 kne ngan situasi. pesanan tok jiwon... HEMBOKE SEYOOOO!!!!!

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